Greece a country of tolerance

There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt. – John Adams

Hidden behind the gray shades of the current financial and political situation in Greece, the words that marks today and tomorrow is the confusion and disorientation.tolerance.jpg
In May 2010, when Greece’s first bailout was approved and the austerity antisocial measures started, the unemployment rate was at twelve percent. That rate has since climbed almost to twentyseven percent, and the youth unemployment rate for ages up to 25 years old has surpassed the seventy percent mark.

Poverty and destitution are spreading, and the country’s gross domestic product has descended rapidly, while its debt has grown from 127 percent to 180 percent over the past three years.
Four hundred thousand families in Greece not have an income and about three hundred thousand employed workers have not been paid for months. Austerity resulted in the deprivation of basic rights of Greek citizens and greatly reduce their salaries and pensions.

Another tragic result of this situation is the large increase in the suicide rate in the last three years, and at the highest level in 50 years. Before the austerity measures, Greece had the lowest suicide rate in Europe. A publicly debt crisis has been used as an opportunity to dissolve the welfare state and to sell off profitable public enterprises and assets at bargain prices.
Poverty, inequality and lack of access in primary services come to confirm the lack of humanity in the modern globalized economy. Everything is done with the support of a significant segment of the Greek financial and political elite, which since the onset of the crisis has relied heavily on dictatorial action in order to obey the commands of the country’s foreign creditors.
In the real world, economic elite dislikes social equality and investing building consuming dependencies and social fear..

And how the Greeks faced this situation ; All they do is to staying silent and tolerant strangled by loans and unemployment. Nobody is able to react against the legal terrorism of debt .

The economic “global machine” which serves the oligarchy absorbs social vibrations and neutralize any reactions.
This situation would not be happening for a long time yet. The social explosion will not take long to come. And it will come when everyone realizes that deprive ourselves valuable goods and sacrificed many precious things for money and consumption.


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