Carnal manikins

Carnal manikins approach you with seduction to selectively get what they want from you and to see only what they want to see .. They dismember and divide your human whole and with elaborate surgical incisions suck and mutilate a sensitive soul holding only the part that holds them satisfies. Ungrateful coarse aesthetics that starts from a raw and hypocritical social catechism that is initially born from the family and ends in the social environment. So the carnal mannequin discovers ways to cover up his timid ego by playing a bad theater of life and like an insatiable zombie he selectively takes what he wants from those around him, hurting and finally trampling human souls. Thus we come to the conclusion of a worm-ridden coward and suspicious man whom I characterize as a carnal manikin who is capable with too much disrespect and zero sensitivity of altering or destroying when they try anything beautiful, spontaneous source and distinct in a human being. of his logic ..


Now read this

The Misanthrope

As the years go by and getting older I see some people around me lost in the vortex of their ego and their predetermined choices. Friendship is more like a commercial act, love turned into sex, the absoluteness of their views became part... Continue →