Nick Levantis

somewhere between music, art and thoughts

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Love Equation

“The Love Equation” it describes on person’s feelings for another person in terms of some basic components and their relative importance.

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Black And White Toys

The “retro” multiple tones of grey and the bold shadows are some of the reasons why some people falling in love with black and white photos.

Possibly our brain decodes better the details of a black and white photography and supplements differently what is missing.

But wait .. The colourless, temporal and mysterious magic emitted from black and white cannot be explained so simply..

Let your imagination take you back to my small photographic journey through the toys of my mature age.

Old sport car
Strange motorbike
Retro 60's Radio

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Goodbye Tumblr..


I feel very sad about the recent acquisition of Tumblr by Yahoo..
It is certain that in a few months my favorite blogging platform would be flooded by banners and advertisements. Freedom of speech,writing and any form of artistic expression is sure to be marginalized once again on the altar of profit.
Surely this will not happen immediately so to keep prospective customers …

The era of paid communication in social media slowly mutated into a voracious monster that is ready to absorb anything different that spoil the “good image” and standing as an obstacle to success and money.
Success … measured from the paid banners and likes in a globalized world that has ceased to communicate face to face ..

So I left tumblr . My new home for my articles is here

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