Nick Levantis

somewhere between music, art and thoughts

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No one knows how far human mischief can go. It is certain that when dealing with such bad people you expose yourself to unacceptable situations. It’s easy to lose your personality and your life’s positions. It is easy to dive into the immorality of their thoughts and their life-long repulsion and eventually drown in a shit hole.

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Synths or software?


Some musicians believe that computers are not capable for creating electronic music like synths. They forget that synthesizers are basically computers and their circuits create waveforms and filters to synthesize sounds. They forget that the medium is not what makes the music but only the musician, his imagination, his experimentation are the things that give life and diversity to the sounds and notes.

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Messages from the past


The specter of the past haunts the present, casting an indelible mark. You regard me through a lens clouded by the echoes of yesterday. I understand. Your memories, like powerful currents, shape the contours of your reality. The past’s grip, though unseen, constricts the present’s breath. You yearn to break free from the chains of oblivion, to liberate the thoughts and feelings imprisoned within.

Beneath the surface, anger simmers, a tempestuous force. Your mind, a labyrinth of thought, plays deceptive games. Blind emotions, driven by the past’s relentless tide, steer your soul astray. And we are forever lost, adrift in the currents of your temporal prison.

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Nowhere Song


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Romance Song


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Your post is too short…

I’ve noticed that some bloggers are putting agonising efforts to show off Thousands of meaningless words and these kind of articles could be written with 10 words but they have to show that they are something special in this world ….

By finishing this post, SVBTLE warns me that it’s too short …

In a world that observes the following is reasonable that everything around us is programmed according to ..

  • Passive acceptance and coexistence
  • Poor aesthetics and life goals
  • Opinions built on common and safe recruits
  • Consumerism and Discrimination
  • Success without a strong philosophy of life
  • Understanding only that we perceive it as safe for us
  • Lack of judgment and perception of diversity
  • Lifestyle that fits only the views we have learn & adopted
  • Compromise …
  • Vanity..

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Industrial Lights


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Nice music?


Creating unique and meaningful music is no easy task. It requires not only formal musical training but also a rich imagination and a deep engagement with the world around us.

Unfortunately, we live in an age dominated by social media, where precious time is squandered in front of screens. I know musicians who spend more than half their day on social media, not composing music but chasing fame and success.

The pursuit of success without a genuine artistic purpose is at best ridiculous and vain. Without dreams, imagination, and a creative lifestyle, art becomes mere repetition and recycling.

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Sonic Pi


Software programmer and musician Sam Aaron has made it his mission to “play the computer”, and to help others do the same. From his base in the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, Sam has developed Sonic Pi, a free live coding sequencer and synthesizer based on simplified Ruby programming language that produces music from text commands.

It is designed initially for the low-cost programmable computing platform Raspberry Pi. The Sonic Pi is now powerful enough, fully fledged multi platform music program and there are versions for OSX, Windows and Linux.

Sam’s work was initially funded by the Broadcom Foundation, which supported the project for the first three months. After that, the Raspberry Pi Foundation stepped in, providing support by way of donation to the Computer Laboratory.

Sonic Pi is a social project, rather than a commercial one. It encourages everyone to...

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Radium music editor

I am particularly pleased about the inclusion of my musical ideas as demo songs for Radium Music Editor . Radium evolves from the developer of the legendary Octamed (Amiga) Kjetil Matheussen.

Radium is a music editor with a revolutionary interface. Compared to the normal sequencers (or DAW if you prefer) interface editing is quicker and more musical data fits on the screen.

Compared to trackers, note positions and effects are edited graphically, which should be quicker, provide more vertical space and give a better musically overview. (Everything can also be edited by text, like in a normal tracker)


However, despite its unusual appearance, it’s a design goal for Radium to be straightforward to use, and easy to learn. It should not be harder to learn Radium than any tracker or most MIDI sequencers. Users who are accustomed to more traditional trackers might use a little bit time in...

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